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Rules of the Kingdom of Stanislaus
of Contents
I –Rapier Combat Weapons and
– i – Swords
– ii – Offhand Use
– iii – Regular Combat Armor
– iv – Schlager Armor
II – Combat Qualification
III – Marshal Regulations
IV –Padded Weapon Combat
– i – Zero Body System
– ii – Heavy Padded Weapon System
IV –iii– Calibration of a Hit
IV – iv – Swords and Mass Weapon
IV –v– Mass Combat Regulations
– Forms of Competition
V – i – Bear Pit
– ii – Single Combat
– iii – Melee Combat
– iv – Duello
– v – Hunt and Seek
– vi – Pursuit
– vii – Death by Arrow
– viii – Daggers at Dusk
– ix – Swashbucklers’ Dance
– x – Capture the Flag
– xii – Wheel of Doom
VI – Armor
VII – Tournament Regulations
– Helpful Suggestions
I –Rapier
Weapons and Armor
I – i -
An epee or wide epee blade
shall be
used to represent a rapier. The heaviest
blade allowed is a Schlager. Only
qualified Kingdom subjects are allowed to fight with Schlager blades. An epee is the preferred weapon but a foil
may be used, on agreement of both combatants.
Pistol grips will not be used.
Points will be padded with standard tips, or the equivalent. Swords must have a hand guard and bell guards
with openings large enough to admit sword points and they are suggested
to be
augmented with heavy leather or the equivalent, to reduce the chances
of blades
being trapped.
I – ii
– Offhand Use
Daggers should be fencing
dagger blades
or a ground down broken foil. Schlager
daggers must be approved before use in combat, and may not be used
foils. Bucklers can be of any size or
shape, with rounded edges and no protrusions to injure opponents. Bucklers are to be used for defense only, no
offensive striking is allowed. Capes or
hats of any size or shape can be used, so long as they are of a proper
style. The bare offhand can be used to
bat blades away if a glove is worn.
Grabs are allowed only in Schlager combat, and then only toward
bottom half of the blade. A grab is
released immediately once the safety tip is felt.
I – iii
– Regular Combat Armor
Armor for rapier combat
requires at
least two layers of trigger or denim or the equivalent that can pass
the broken
foil test. Doublets must come at least
to the waist in length and cover the complete torso.
Long sleeves of any fabric and long pants
with sturdy shoes or boots will be worn.
A three-weapon mask is required and a hood or padded helm is
recommended. Gloves, preferably leather
should be worn, especially on the offhand.
Please refer to Section I, Article ii for offhand use. No skin should be exposed above the
knee. If kilts or the like are worn then
it is the complete responsibility of the combatant, and not recommended
by the
I – iv
– Schlager Armor
A three-weapon mask is
required, and a
gorget or throat protection device is strongly recommended. A hood or padded helm is also
recommended. Gloves are required on both
hands and leather is the recommend minimum material.
A doublet or some form of complete chest
protection is required and should be at least two layers thick. Schlager combat is the official rapier combat
style in the
a fighter may engage in tournament combat, he or she must be qualified
compete with the weapons they are using. Qualification includes the
Weapons, armor
and equipment are properly maintained and in good
order to ensure safety.
Ensure the
fighter can move safely and is healthy. This
is accomplished by making the fighter
squat, twist, walk on knees (knee pads recommended) and lunge
Ability to count
and accept blows In Armor and
count armor points.
Marshal Regulations
rights of the Marshal of a tournament are listed below.
Further information can be found listed
within the Marshals’ Guild.
The Marshal has
the right to inspect and reject all weapons
entering the field
The Marshal is
the authority
during a tournament. If a fighter
has a grievance regarding actions within a tournament, it must be taken
care of
at that point or will never be addressed again.
Marshals should
exhibit a professional and courteous demeanor on
the field, the use of “Milord/ Milady to address all participants and
pleasantries should be always in their speech.
The Marshal has
the right to make any ruling regarding their
particular portion of the tournament regardless of other marshals’
rulings. If a fighter has a grievance
with a marshal, he or she may take it up with the Earle Marshal at any
time. If it is with the Earle Marshal,
they may either turn to the highest ranking marshal or to the Knight
IV – Combat
IV – i –
Zero Body System
zero body system is a lack of hit points.
When a limb takes a hit, it is rendered useless, any weapon
grasped by
the hand of that limb must be dropped and retrieved.
If the limb is hit twice it counts as a torso
hit and thus a kill. Any hit on the
torso is an immediate kill. Those
that do not count are the genitals, gauntlets or hands and boots. Adding armor adds hit points to this
system. It is however your job to keep
track of hits to your armor.
IV – ii –
Heavy Padded Weapon System
rules gleaned from other countries and a little of our own ideas, the
entering the field, each fighter should have in their possession, at
least a
proper helmet allowing for full face protection and should have no
points or
edges to damage padded weapons. Any metal helmet with full face
protection will
work as well as standard issue hockey helmets . If you use a Hockey
Helmet, it
should be painted and decorated. A covering of cloth, leather or chain
mail is
a good choice. Fighters must also have adequate neck protection in the
form of
a metal or leather gorget or other approved protective gear. Marshals should mark approved equipment so
that no confusion will occur in tournaments to come.
Each fighter must wear gloves for hand
protection. Any leather gloves will do. A good suggestion is all
deerskin work gloves or gauntlet style fireplace gloves.
fighters must wear breast protection and support devices.
If they are not wearing such, they will not
be allowed on the field. Additional
breast protection such as fencing cups or a padded gambeson is highly
recommended. Breast protection can include a heavily padded bra, FIE
fencing cups, heavier quilting on a gambeson in the front.
Youth Boffer combat:
This is different than adult
pickup bouts in that youth fighters are
still required to wear head and neck protection but must follow light
rules. The calibration for this type of combat is also very low. This
is a
chance for young people to learn the basics of medieval combat on an
playing field. Youth’s ages 10-16 may engage in youth padded weapons
combat and
special tournaments will be scheduled shadowing the adult heavy combat
tournaments and awards. For example, the Kingdom Champion will be
shadowed by a
Kingdom Youth Champion.
IV – iv –
Calibration of a Hit
is the regulation of impact so that a proper hit is made.
To properly calibrate, one should have a
basic understanding of the weapons we are using. Hitting
too hard is unnecessary and may bring
down the wrath of the Marshal. A good
firm and direct tap is all that is needed.
To judge this, the Marshal will instruct you on proper procedure
accepting blows. Glancing blows to the
grill of the helmet, light glancing skips off the top of the helmet or
off of
the body do not count. The weapon must
firmly connect with your opponent for a hit to be recognized. With pole arms, it is recommended that you
accept very light hits, as pole arms are capable of immense amounts of
IV – v –
Swords and Mass Weapon
weapons do different things, and not all weapons are created equal. A sword for instance is a very effective
weapon in any combat but does have a draw back.
A sword will remove the arm of an opponent with a single strike
but will
not kill him with the same shot. A mass
weapon such as a mace, axe or war hammer will deliver a blow to the arm
automatically transfers to the torso for a killing blow.
This gives a distinct advantage to the mass
weapon user. The drawback of mass
weapons is their lack of speed. No mass
weapon built correctly moves with the speed and accuracy of a sword. Therefore there are tradeoffs with either
weapon choice. Jointed weapons are allowed so long as you have been
both to wield and build a flail. If you wish to use this style of
weapon, you
must be qualified at a major gathering by a Marshal.
IV – vi –
Mass Combat Regulations
Unlike in tournament combat,
there are
additional safety rules that should be kept in mind during mass combat. Because of the intensity of mass combat, all
style combat will be done with the heavy boffer system so those who are
fighting will be safe. In mass combat,
you will quickly find that halberds, pikes and other pole arms is king. If you chose a pole arm, take care to use it
safely. A 6ft-padded pike can have a lot
of power behind it. Even a padded pike
can be dangerous if used with full force.
Be aware that the person in front of you may not be wearing
chest armor
and a hit to the chest can be quite painful, if not deadly. Likewise,
shots to
the helmet can really jar someone. If
possible, lightly tap them with the weapon and allow them to take the
hit. If you are the one being hit by a
pole arm,
take the hit, regardless of how light it is.
If you don’t, be assured that the person wielding it will hit
you with
much greater force next time. Cut and
thrust pole arms such as glaives and halberds can deliver a fully
blow without much effort. If you choose
a weapon like this, please practice with someone so as to know the
correct amount
of force needed to make a properly calibrated shot.
Once you have taken a hit in the field, you
must fall to the ground immediately. Do
not throw yourself backwards as you will hit the person behind you and
yourself and them. Instead, crumple to
the ground, heaving forward, then roll onto your back with your arms
your head and your legs protecting your torso from being stepped on. Another good idea is if you have a shield,
place it on top of you as further protection.
Stay in this position until the battle has moved away from you
or the
Marshal calls a hold. You then walk off
the field with your weapon above your head.
Do not run off the field during combat or you will be deemed a
IV –
vii - Artillery
is used exclusively for warfare and mass melee scenarios in the
V – Forms
of Competition
V – i –
Bear Pit
The bear pit is single
competition. All that is needed is a
group of fighters. The fighters stand in
line and enter the field in order. They
stay in that order until all of the original line-up has fought. From there they enter in the order they were
killed in. The winner of each fight
holds the field. The fighter with the
most points at the sound of the whistle wins.
The game is set to a certain period of time.
This time will be called at the beginning.
V – ii
– Single Combat
Single combat is when two
fight to the end. This can happen in
competition or duel. The Zero Body
System is in effect for this competition and single combat is done with
padded weapons or fencing weapons.
V – iii
– Melee Combat
This is where two teams
enter the
tournament field and fight until one team is gone.
The teams use tactics and try to out wit the
other team. The Zero Body System
V – iv
- Duello
This is a modification of
the bear pit
scenario. There are two teams who enter
the tournament field. Each team stands
in a line at each side of the ring. The
first two enter the ring and fight until their hit points are gone. The winner holds the field.
If he wins that fight he remains on the field
and defends his team. If he loses, the
new winner will hold the field while making points for his team. The accumulated team points are tallied at
the end. The team who has the most
points is the winner. This competition
is associated with Schlager combat.
V – v –
Hunt and Seek
This is a game in which the
players are
split into two teams. One team sets up
an ambush of some sort for the other.
When that team enters the fight, the team that survives wins.
V – vi
- Pursuit
This is one in which three
players are
separated from the ranks. The rest of
the group’s job is to find and kill them.
Each of the three separated individuals are allowed to kill one
person. If they kill one each and make
it back to a set location, those who were eliminated will become the
next to go
out. It makes it more interesting if
they have to find the base through such methods as verbal directions or
a set
of compass coordinates.
V – vii
– Death by Arrow
This is a padded archer’s game in which the archers split up onto two
sides of
a field and shot arrows at each other. The
team who survives, wins.
V –
viii – Daggers at Dusk
This is a game of stealth
where the
players use padded daggers and split up at night then seek out and kill
other until one remains. That player is
the winner. This is a very intense game
as it takes a lot of skill. It is a game
where the unaware are the losers and the stealthy individual reigns
V – ix
– Swashbucklers’ Dance
This is a game intended for
fencing but
may be used with padded weapons if you wish.
Assembled swashbucklers must be even in number and numerous
enough to
make it interesting. Two sets of numbers
equal to half the number of Swashbucklers on the field are drawn up and
put in
a hat. Each swashbuckler draws a number
from the hat. Then the warriors encircle
the field. The numbers are called one at
a time. Each time that number is called,
the two who possess that number must duel.
When all have fought, the winners will then draw from the hat
again and
the whole thing stars over. This happens
until only one remains. He or she is the
winner. There can be only one.
V – x –
Capture the Flag
The group is split up into
teams. Each team is given a different
colored armband. Each team is given a
flag that is placed in a location of their choice.
With the sound of the whistle, each team is
to find and return their opponents’ flag to their own flag station. Padded weapons combat eliminates individual
team members. Flags will be located in
the open and must be visible on at least three sides.
Flags may not be buried, camouflaged or
otherwise tampered with to obscure their visibility.
Flags may not be located in trees or within
any structure. This does not include
open forts created for this purpose. If
the flag is taken and the holder of the flag is killed, the flag will
be set in
the ground where he or she was killed.
The flag may not be used as a weapon of any kind and any such
use will
count as a disqualification of that individual and a Marshal will
return the
flag to its original location.
V – xi
- Tactical
is an organized combat scenario where two established military forces,
led by
their own commanders, take the field and simulate actual warfare. The use of tactics and strategy are key
here. Heavy padded weapons combat is
V – xii
– Wheel of Doom
is a challenge tournament where weapons are gathered together and a
wheel that
has different weapon combinations written on it is used.
Each fighter spins the wheel and the weapon
combination that comes up is what is used by that fighter.
This results in some very odd and challenging
weapon combinations! While all fighters
are on the same field, they can only attack those who are challenged. Hiding behind and busting through active
combatants is perfectly legal.
VI – Armor
in the
simple |
Plate and Spalders |
1 extra hits |
leather |
plate and Spalders |
2 extra hits |
Leather and
Chain |
Chain mail
Shirt and Brigantine Breastplate |
5 extra hits |
Chain Mail |
Hauberk |
6 extra hits |
Plate and
Chain |
Hauberk W.
plates and Spalders |
7 extra hits |
Plate Armor |
Full or
Partial suit (Torso , head and limbs) |
15 extra hits
Please note that the extra
hits are
only in effect in the areas where the armor is present.
Regardless of type or shape, all metal or
proper material helmets count for one extra hit only on the head. Shields and bucklers are considered
indestructible for the purposes of scoring and do not count as a piece
armor. This is only negated when dealing
with heavy artillery.
Padded weapons tournaments
and fencing
tournaments are very similar. Those that
are specific to fencing will be noted as such.
tournaments for the Kingdom Championship, Kings’ and
The Rules listed above are
provided for
your safety and the safety of those around you.
Repeated violations of the above rules will result in
and possible suspension from tournaments for a number of gatherings. If you are found to be too dangerous and show
that you do not intend to change, you will be permanently banned from
in the
– Helpful
It is recommended that you
specific clothing for fighting. Combat
is hard on cloths and if you want your fineries to remain that way, it
recommended that you try and get some simple, rugged clothing. An old shirt, old pants and a tabard in your
colors are a good choice. A padded
gambeson is strongly suggested and counts as an extra hit in a
Add an old duck tape roll to
your belt
that is empty. Once it is flattened, it
can hold a flat padded sword on your belt where it can remain handy and
off the
ground. This is also helpful if the
sword is your backup weapon!
You can make a leather frog
to carry
your sword as well. Using a specific
belt for combat is a good idea. Add a
small belt pouch and keep needed items within it.
An extra padded weapon for
is a good idea. Three is better, two for
tournament combat and another for fighter practice.
Qualification Certificate
This document certifies that
______________________________is qualified to
) Fight
( )Fencing
) Marshal in the
following combat events ( )Target Archery
) Light Padded
( ) Special Artillery
) Heavy Padded
( ) Combat Archery
)Target Thrown
( )
Flail (Build and Use)
They are qualified in the
following weapon forms:
Signature____________________________ This
certificate is good for one year from this Date____/_____/______
Qualification Certificate
This document certifies that
____________________________is qualified to
) Fight
( )Fencing
) Marshal in the
following combat events ( )Target Archery
) Light Padded
( ) Special Artillery
) Heavy Padded
( ) Combat Archery
)Target Thrown
They are qualified in the
following weapon forms:
Signature____________________________ This
certificate is good for one year from this Date____/_____/______
Inspection (
Inspection (
Inspection (
Inspection (
Inspection (
Padded Weapon Construction
padded weapons used in competition and warfare within the
Marshal will have plans for these.
for weapons will soon be available in the Royal Armory Weapons
good design for the flat boffer is shown on the