1-1: The Valde
Concilium (Great
1-2: Kingdom Officers
1-3: Promotion
in the
The Guilds
2.1: Guild Structure
2.2: Guild Charter
3: The Chivalry
3-1 Council of Chivalry
*see Knights Manual
for more
information on the Chivalry
4: Households
Household Structure
Starting a Household
5: Laws of the Kingdom
6-1 Starting a Chapter
1-1: The Valde Concilium
The Valde Concilium is
the Advisory
council made up of the highest ranking nobles of the
Members of the council
include the
King and Queen of Stanislaus, the Knight Commander, the Kingdom
Seneschal,, the
King of Arms and the Leaders of the major households and lands. In
addition the
King or Queen may nominate a Councilor at Large at their discretion.
A 2/3rds vote is
required for
ratification of any proposal in any council within the Kingdom
1-2: Kingdom
The King
and Queen of Stanislaus: The leaders of the
Kingdom, who will
be of the Royal Line of Valcore or married into the Household.
The Knight
Commander: leader
of the Chivalry under the
Crown. This position is voted on by the entire Knighthood and it can be
held by
anyone of the rank of Knight or higher within the Chivalry. The King or
may hold this position in addition to their primary titles should the
be unable to choose a leader.
The Kingdom
Seneschal: Leader
of the Nobility in the Kingdom.
The Seneschal has final word on promotions to Master and therefore the
of the title of Lord. This person must hold the rank of Lord or higher
and is
voted into office by the Guild Masters.
The Kingdom Steward:
The chief
organizer of all feasts and other revels. This officer ensures that
food is
prepared in a timely manner and in accordance with the standards set
forth by
the guilds responsible for food preparation. Also organizes and
Squires and Pages who are serving at feast.
The Kingdom Reeve: The
person in
charge of enforcing kingdom rules and regulations on behalf of the King
and Queen.
In charge of organizing the knighthood for security details at events
where the
mundane may attend.
The Earle Marshal :
This person is in
charge of enforcing all combat regulations in the kingdom. Organizes
activities and reports to the Knight Commander
The Kingdom Minister
of Foreign
Affairs: the person tasked with sending out official communications to
nations. The only official voice of the Kingdom.
The Kingdom Minister
of Commerce and
Exchange: Handles the Kingdom financial system. Reviews and approves
expenditures from the Royal Coffers.
Promotion in the
2-1: Guild
The guilds are set up
in an ascending
scale of achievement. To gain rank within the guild, a craftsman must
show that
their skill in their chosen field has increased. This is done by a
Work. This is an item of art or example of achievement that is of
level they are trying to obtain.
The Guilds are set up
with the
following levels: Apprentice, Journeymen and Master.
Requirements to
become an apprentice:
Must be a
member in good standing
possess basic medieval or
renaissance clothing
present themselves to a Master
and request to become their Apprentice and then have their Master
their status as Apprentice at Court.
Once a member is
accepted into the Guild as an Apprentice they are now on the track to
a Journeyman. The Apprentice’s Master now is responsible for the basic
instruction in courtly manors, Skills of the guild and to help them
equipment necessary for the craft.
Jobs of the Page:
The Journeymen must do
the following to become
a Lord/Lady (Master Craftsman):
2-2: Guild Charter
To form a guild, you
must register a
charter with the Valde Concilium. This
charter will
contain the requirements of guild membership for your specific guild in
form required. In addition, the guild must register heraldry with the
King of
Arms. The heraldry registered should reflect the guilds activities.
A specific guild
name, different from any other guild in the kingdom
Must have 3
charter members to form (this can be waived by the king or queen)
Must within six
months of forming, give a presentation of the guild’s craft to the
kingdom at
an event
3: The Chivalry:
3-1: The Council of
The Council of
Chivalry is a
legislative body made up of the assembled knights of the Order of the
Branch. Their job is to regulate combat events in the Kingdom,
Marshals for combat events, drawn from within the ranks of the
Knighthood, and
to act as a command structure during times of war.
are a vital part of the
Kingdom of Stanislaus, they are the local base from which members
attend fighter practices, guild meetings and other activities.
also help new members adjust to the ways of the Kingdom .
It is
HIGHLY encouraged that you join a household when you become a
Household Structure
are set up by either a
noble or a knight and make up his or her retinue. Members of a
can include people of all walks of life including other Nobles! Knights
remain attached to the Household of the knight who squired him.
Households in the Kingdom of Stanislaus require the following officers:
Patron/Matron: Must be a noble of Lord or Higher or a Knight
Seneschal: can be any member of the household, promotes and encourages
activity on the local level
Captain of the Guard: Can be held by any combat qualified household
Controls all combat within the household to include fighter practices
Holder of the Coffers: Can be held by any member of the Household:
Controls any
funds generated, collected or distributed by the household.
Starting a Household
To start a household, the founding member must be a noble of at least
the rank
of Lord. They must petition the crown to form said household and must
meet the
following criteria:
5: Laws of the Kingdom
Law 1: Respect to
others: Abuse of others, verbal or physical will not be
tolerated. Citizens of the
Law 2: Protection from
theft: The possessions of others will not be
touched, taken or otherwise disturbed without that person’s permission.
thievery will be dealt with severely.
Law 3: Adherence To
Chivalry: All combat will be conducted with one eye
on the enemy and the other on the code of Chivalry. All citizens will
this code.
Law 5: Wearing of
proper clothing: All citizens of the
Law 6: Reasonability
for ones possessions: All kingdom citizens
will control their property at all times. It is the members’
responsibility to
keep weapons, armor and other dangerous and fragile items away from
unable to handle such.
Law 7: Protection from False
Representation. Kingdom citizens will not
lie or spread falsehoods about kingdom citizens. Falsely representing
kingdom to another nation for any purpose is a crime.